As an RN, a mom, and an athlete, I am intrigued with the parallels between preparing to give birth and meeting the challenges posed by extreme sports. I’ve assisted 25,000 people on their journey to parenthood and won my division in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. I am now training for the biggest athletic event of my life: a Half Ironman Triathon, and am once again reminded of how it felt to be pregnant for the first time: this feels daunting, overwhelming, scary. “How will I ever do this?”
McMoyler Method 2.0
Let’s be clear— you, too, are preparing for the biggest event of your lives! So start training now… I’m referring to your mind, not your uterus. Think about it. From the neck down, your body is built to give birth. To have a memorable birth experience, left with a sense of deep satisfaction and accomplishment, it is imperative to spend time connecting your mind to your body.
Having given birth twice and completed many triathlons – the best approach for success has always been: keep it simple, realistic, and utilize techniques that fit easily into your daily routine. Athletes and expectant parents alike, thrive on having a plan of attack… “What do I need to do to get to the finish line?”
I’ve incorporated my experience as a labor and delivery nurse (assisting with thousands of births) with my years of training as an athlete. The culmination is McMoyler Method, using ‘extreme sports’ training insights to better equip people preparing for birth and caring for their new babies. And here’s where we keep it simple: The Three M’s – Mindset, Manage, and Maintain, all of which have to do with seeing your event in the future – you giving birth! Seeing yourselves caring for your new baby. Seeing yourselves transitioning into life as a new family.
McMoyler Method 2.0™
Preparing for Pregnancy with Confidence, Power, and Possibility
Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby….however you get there.
As I anticipate swimming 1.5 miles, cycling 56 miles, and running 13 miles—I am mindful that I cannot control the weather, the course, the flat tire, the blisters, etc. Similarly, no one but the stork knows exactly what will happen the day you give birth. Our mutual goal is to be able to look back at our event with a sense of accomplishment, left with a stunning memory for the rest of our lives.
Whether you are the pregnant mom or the person supporting her – birth is an extreme sport that requires seeing the event with confidence, power, and possibility. I’m suggesting that throughout your pregnancy you invest five minutes a day. Five minutes to slow down, unplug, and look within. What you can contribute during the many months leading up to the day of delivery is a healthy lifestyle, a loving partnership, and cultivating a mindfulness that supports you delivering a healthy baby into the world. Seeing yourselves successfully meeting the goal and embracing the attitude healthy mom & healthy baby… however you get there.
Sarah McMoyler, RN
Labor & Delivery Nurse / Newborn Care Specialist, Author of The Best Birth, & Triathlete
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