
Attachment Parenting

//Attachment Parenting

Attachment Parenting

The goal of attachment parenting is to raise children who can form healthy, emotional connections with other people throughout their life; beginning by forming a respectful, compassionate connection between parent and child.
So, how do attachment parents practically achieve the goal of raising emotionally and socially rich kids? These parents believe that certain practices with infants set the stage for secure relationships later in life:

  • Sleeping within arm’s reach of your baby. It is believed that it encourages responsive parenting and parent – child bonding.
  • Carrying your baby in your arms as much as possible. Slings and front carriers are common accessory to those practicing attachment parenting.
  • Breastfeeding encourages healthy physical, emotional, and mental development.

However, attachment parenting is not so much about practices parents MUST do and more about an attitude. It is a peaceful approach to parenting that stresses connecting with your child on a deep emotional level. For example, one family may choose to breastfeed. Another family might choose to bottle feed, but to pace the timing and amount of formula given to mirror breastfeeding. Attachment parents are encouraged to adapt practices to best address their family needs…essentially, attachment parents recommend treating children with kindness and respect, encouraging a sense of dignity and mutual admiration.

By |2015-03-07T11:23:27+00:00April 22nd, 2010|Childbirth|0 Comments

About the Author:

Labor & Delivery nurse, childbirth educator, author, mom of two, and triathlete!

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