
Post Partum Depression Clinic

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Post Partum Depression Clinic

Where is the logic that a mom suffering from post-partum depression (PPD) be admitted to a Psychiatric Unit, where the staff is typically not equipped to care for this very delicate and unique disorder?

The University of North Carolina, is responding by opening a clinic designed specifically for mothers diagnosed with PPD. Where she can receive therapy for her condition and is supported to pump her breasts, spend time with her baby and family, and overcome the overwhelming and debilitating feelings that caused her PPD.

For read more about this report from a recent radio broadcast on NPR, visit:

By |2015-03-07T10:30:03+00:00August 24th, 2011|breastfeeding, Childbirth, newborn care|0 Comments

About the Author:

Labor & Delivery nurse, childbirth educator, author, mom of two, and triathlete!

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