
Preparing Emotionally for Labor

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Preparing Emotionally for Labor

There is only a certain amount of actual preparation to do for birth; particularly when you factor in the very busy schedules of today’s busy expectant parents. There are books out there that suggest a strict regime of what to do’s to prepare for delivery… often creating a sense of overwhelm, and then nothing is done! Rather, pick and choose a few things that feel right to you, that help you feel good inside and out about this impending birth.

Emotional Preparation:

  • Human beings tend to worry and fret and focus on what-if; this is not helpful. It creates more anxiety, hence more fear. Every time you notice your mind becoming a ticker tape of concerns, STOP, take a big deep breath, sending a rush of oxygenated blood to the baby and releasing pent up tension from your body. This requires some awareness on your part, which is an important part of maintaining a healthy pregnancy as well as an important ingredient later as a new parent…start practicing now.
  • Take 5 minutes a day to tune into this growing baby. It could be sitting in your favorite chair, inside or outside, with a cup of tea or a small notebook to jot down your thoughts. You could simply close your eyes for a few minutes and put your attention inward, focusing on your breathing-breathe in clam and confidence and exhale anxiety and concern…very easy to do and takes only a couple of minutes out of your day. Again, many women think that to derive benefit, they need to spend hours, not so, something is better than nothing, and both of you will benefit.
  • Talk with your partner. When couples carve out time prenatally to prepare for what I consider to be the biggest event of their lives, it makes a difference. Tell them what worries you and what you anticipate needing in labor. Go out on dates, sleep in, go to the movies, take walks, sip tea in bookstores…whatever it is that you enjoy doing together, stock up on it! Newborns do one thing: inhale you whole! Invest in each other now; it will help to hold you over during the early days of parenting.

* Reprinted with permission from www.giggle.com

By |2015-03-07T11:45:35+00:00October 31st, 2009|breastfeeding, Childbirth, newborn care, pregnancy|0 Comments

About the Author:

Labor & Delivery nurse, childbirth educator, author, mom of two, and triathlete!

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